Introducing "Kimiko," our breathtaking Blue Crochet Bouquet, a mesmerizing blend of sunflowers, carnations, and roses. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, this crochet masterpiece combines the beauty of these iconic flowers with a unique twist of a striking blue color palette, resulting in a stunning and everlasting floral arrangement.
This crochet bouquet combines the charm of sunflowers, the delicate elegance of carnations, and the timeless beauty of roses. The mix of these three beloved flowers creates a harmonious composition that appeals to different aesthetic preferences.
Our skilled artisans meticulously crochet each flower, capturing the intricate details and textures of the original blooms. From the sunflower's bold petals to the carnation's ruffled edges and the rose's gentle curves, every stitch brings the flowers to life with astonishing realism.
Embrace the enchanting beauty of our "Kimiko" Blue Crochet Bouquet, where the timeless charm of sunflowers, carnations, and roses meets a captivating blue color palette. Whether as a striking centerpiece or a memorable gift, this everlasting crochet bouquet is a remarkable expression of art and nature, designed to bring joy and elegance to any space.
Product Summary
- Handmade knitted flower bouquet
- Materials: Good quality soft cotton yarn
- Available in Pink, Blue, Orange
- Available in 2Â sizes (Length x Height):
- Standard: Approx 25 x 35 cm
Upsize: Approx 30 x 40 cm